Meet the team

martin e. schmieg

Mr. Schmieg’s early career was focused on accounting and financial leadership, serving as the Chief Financial Officer to privately held Cytometrics Inc., Advanced Bionics Corporation, publicly traded Sirna Therapeutics, Inc., and Isolagen, Inc. With Cytometrics, he raised $55 million, through four rounds of venture capital financing, to bring the company’s Cytoscan® instrument to market. With Advanced Bionics, he was the financial architect of the company’s acquisition by Boston Scientific (BSX) for $4.2 billion. With Sirna Therapeutics, and in collaboration with its venture owners, he co-developed the company’s strategic plan which led to its acquisition by Merck & Co for $1.3 billion. In 2006, Mr. Schmieg assumed the position of Chief Executive Office of Freedom-2, Inc., a venture startup in novel dermatology applications (his first attempt at tattoo removal through the development of a novel ink technology). While at Freedom-2, Mr. Schmieg raised $14 million in venture capital, and led the company in the development and market introduction of InfinitInk®, which was a Time Magazine “Invention of the Year” in 2008. In 2009, Mr. Schmieg reverse merged Freedom-2 into Nuvilex, Inc., now PharmaCyte, Inc. In 2013, Mr. Schmieg founded ClearIt exploring a wholly new approach to tattoo removal using a new non-thermal (non-laser) technology to dislodge, mobilize, and extract tattoo ink particles from the skin (the ERASER™ System) for pain-free, single treatment, healthy, and affordable tattoo removal.

President & CEO

richard goldfarb, m.d.

Dr. Goldfarb is a highly sought-after surgeon who lectures and trains physicians, both nationally and internationally, on numerous cosmetic, surgical, and aesthetic topics. He has been awarded the medical directorship of several leading companies in the Cosmetic, Laser, Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine Industries. In addition to his professional accomplishments, Dr. Goldfarb is a remarkable physician and established The Center for SmartLipo and Plastic Surgery in 2007. He has assembled a team of Board-Certified Surgeons, including a Liposuction and General Surgeon, a Facial Plastic Surgeon, a Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon, and Aesthetic Laser Specialists. The practice focuses strongly on new and innovated technologies. It is Dr. Goldfarb’s commitment to continually participate in advanced education, and training of physicians.

Chief Medical & Technology Officer

Ragan reppond

Chief Administrative Officer,
Regulatory & Quality Affairs

Timothy “Chaz” wilson

Director, Commercial Operations

Simerpreet “preet” Edwards

Consulting Controller